Saturday, June 8, 2013

Latest Mobile Game that I work on "Monster Blade"

- Handling the modeling and texture for character, monster and environment.
- Controlling the model and texture direction
- Create a guide for the modeling and texturing for artist.
- mentored some monster animation for the game.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Game Environment for MMORPG

- Using in-house game engine to create the environment.
- Handling the modeling and texturing
- create the guide for the artist for the asset.

Game Character


- One of my game character work.
- handling the modeling and texturing.

Game Character

- Handling the texturing and modeling
- take part in some of the rigging  and animation.

Project - Davinci's Quest

- Handling Character and Enviornment Modeling and texturing.
- Take part for some of the animation